Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Introducing... "Caring For Ophans"

I know, I know...

"Not another blog," you're saying right now.

Trust me, I understand your sentiments. I've been saying those words to myself for months now. Ever since I began feeling the Lord prompting me to create a new blog.

And believe me: I tried to do a Jonah, if you remember that guy in the bible who tried to run from God. Isn't that crazy? How does one "run from God?"

I don't know, but I sure tried.

I've known for several months now that God has been wanting me to begin a blog solely about adoption, foster care and orphans. I just kept saying to myself, "Another blog? Not another blog..."

In my current blog, "Deep Waters", I often publish posts about adoption and/or foster care. I've highlighted famous adoptees. I've shared about my involvement in adoption/foster care nonprofits like The CALL. And I've retold the adoption journey that led me to my now 12-year-old Christian, adopted from Russia.

Sometimes, I post random musings about these subjects like "Five Things Not to Say to Adoptive Parents".

Basically, I've talked a lot about adoption there.

Well, now it's time to talk a lot more about adoption here.

So, my question is: will YOU join me for the journey? The road may be windy and a little bumpy at times, but I'd love to have you here beside me. So...

Let's go!


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